Self-Care for Your Business

Being busy feels good. Hitting send on those newsletter emails, getting on discovery calls, and that sense of accomplishment when you complete a mind-blowing client project? Who needs to exercise for endorphins when you run a business?

Well, you might, once your happy clients start tagging you in their Insta stories and your waitlist gets longer.

April is Stress Awareness Month and 61% of people cite work as a source of stress, according to the American Psychological Association. Even if you love your work, you can still be adversely affected by the stress of running your own business.

The conditions that create burnout are normalized in business and hustle culture, so it could be difficult to see the warning signs until you’re already avoiding work, losing sleep, or apologizing for losing your cool with a customer service rep.

Some signs of burnout to look out for:


Feeling physically and emotionally depleted. Physical symptoms could include headaches, stomachaches, and appetite or sleeping changes.


People with burnout tend to feel overwhelmed. As a result, they may stop socializing and confiding in friends, family members, and co-workers.

Escape fantasies

Overwhelmed by the never-ending demands of business, people with burnout may fantasize about running away or going on a solo-vacation. In extreme cases, they may turn to drugs, alcohol, or food to numb their emotional pain.


Burnout can cause people to lose their cool with friends, co-workers, and family members more easily. Coping with normal stressors like preparing for a work meeting, driving kids to school, and household tasks also may start to feel overwhelming, especially if things don’t go as planned.


Like other long-term stress, burnout can lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, the flu, and insomnia. (Especially important during a global pandemic.) Burnout can also lead to mental health concerns like depression and anxiety.

Ways to Prevent Burnout as a Soul-Centered Business Owner

Just as your body recovers from illness with adequate rest, exercise, and nutrition, build in some “self-care” for your business.

→ Rest

Set and communicate clear boundaries with your clients. This includes hours of operation, modes of communication, and the scope of your work together.

Your needs and preferences can be the guideposts here. If you’re working part-time on your business in order to take care of your family, honor that. It’s not necessary to try to please everyone.

And, if you want to be more available to your clients than your current schedule allows, consider hiring a General Admin Virtual Assistant to help with customer service during your off-hours.

To learn how to hire and train your next epic VA for a lasting, successful relationship, check out How To Hire And Train Your First Virtual Assistant.

→ Exercise

A body in motion stays in motion! Client work? Education? Networking? Email Tagging?

A body in motion stays in motion! The same is true for your business. Client work brings in the big bucks, but don’t forget to maintain your business’s mobility with a good mix of business-building activities. Consider blocking some time in your calendar and budgeting for:

Education and training – whether it’s an online course you’ve purchased or a saved Facebook Q&A,  dedicate some time to stay current with your industry.

Networking – Online masterminds, Facebook groups, and even scrolling Instagram count just as much as in-person networking events! Just make sure you’re spending a few minutes dedicated to commenting in relevant threads and finding people to follow who you can help. 

Marketing – Don’t let your potential clients forget how you can help them. Emailing to your list regularly is my favourite way to get to know your audience and keep your calendar booked. It’s even more effective when you send the right emails to the right people at the right time. Check out The AOT Targeted Tagging System to simplify marketing to your email list.

→ Nutrition

The life force of any business is clients. Make sure you’re feeding your business with a steady diet of the right clients by occasionally inspecting your lead generation and your offers. Your annual planning meeting is a perfect opportunity to do this.

  • What was your favorite service last year?
  • What could you never do again?
  • What went right?
  • What went wrong? What did you learn?
  • What do the numbers say about your audience and offers?
  • What do you want to change?

Include your team in your planning meetings to gain insightful depth and dimension into your business. As the people on the ground in your business, they know your audience and what they’re asking for. They also know YOU and can help connect your day-to-day idiosyncrasies to your big picture vision.

Learn more about the foundations of a sustainable, scalable business (even if you don’t have a team) inside The Scale Society, my 6-month small group experience for soul-centered entrepreneurs. Get notified when it reopens.

Meet your host

Sandra Booker, Founder of Changemaker Inc. (home to Sidekick COO and The VA Studio) and creator of Scale Society and The Advisory Board, is a mentor, Fractional COO  and growth strategist. She specializes in helping overworked, overwhelmed, multi-hatted entrepreneurs become the CEOs of sustainably scalable, and powerfully profitable businesses. 

After helping local businesses thrive, and receiving accolades in her community (like the 40 Under 40 award) Sandra turned her attention to the world of online service providers, and her clients include familiar names like Chanti Zak, Tarzan Kay, and Laura Belgray.

In her (efficiently used) spare time, she teaches others how to build and grow their own 6-figure virtual assistant practices and is on a mission to create a million jobs by helping her clients and students scale their businesses.

The Great Big List of KPI's

Want more? Check these out!

Dip your toes into transformation with these resources that pack a punch, all on the house.

Get started with KPIs with this free guide that will show you what KPIs you need to track, how many is too many, how to identify trends, examples of KPIs for every area of your business.

Washup & Reset

An annual business review to get you off the “set goal, miss goal, try-same-thing-again” merry-go-round, The Wash-up shows you haw to use the lessons from this year to get the most out of next year.

4D-90 Framework

This process is designed to be completed every quarter so you always know exactly what to do to hit your goals without putting in more time, create a new offer, or adding yet another launch to your calendar.

Budget Template

Struggling to know where you're money's going and whether you can afford that new course you've been eyeing? You need a budget and this template will help.

KPI Business Dashboard

Your easy answer to "What the heck do I track?"  You'll have all of your numbers in one place, and have at-a-glance information so you always know whether you're on track to meet your goals.

Grab your Budget Template