Get the scalable "grown-up" business of your dreams

Discover the backend structures of the most successful online businesses that'll help you scale from 5 to 6, to 7 (and yes, even multiple 7 figures)

without hustling 24/7
or hiring that 5-figure OBM

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" I have a handbook that shifts me from worker to CEO more smoothly."

"I joined Scale Society because I wanted to work with Sandra and she was booked to the max. But I am so glad I took the Scale Society route!

This program helped me understand the proactive actions I can take to build my team, company culture and organisational muscles as my business grows.

As someone who is used to doing everything myself, I learned that these are elements that set a strong foundation for growth and being intentional about them is key. I know I would have bumbled through the tools, workflows and strategies and learned from my mistakes but now I have a handbook that shifts me from worker to CEO more smoothly.I will definitely be going back to these sessions."



...losing out on lucrative leads that got lost in the chaos

...scrambling to find or train qualified help to handle the influx

...tearing your hair out trying to find, set up, and implement new technology to reduce the workload

…staring blankly at a spreadsheet of stats you heard were important, wondering what the heck any of it means, why you should care, or how it can help you

...wishing you had a normal job that you didn't have to worry about all the time.

Heck, maybe you already find yourself doing some of those 👆 things.

Maybe you look at your business and know it could “be better”. You know there are processes, and procedures, and automations you could/should put in place to make the entire thing run like a 2024 S-Class Tesla fresh off the lot but you’re damned if you know what they are.

If that sounds familiar you're in the exact right place.

Ready to get clear on what the backend of your business should entail in order to scale?

Great! I have the perfect solution for you.

Let me ask you this...
If your business doubled next month,are you confident your business would survive the growth?

"Scale Society gave me the tools and confidence to hire excellent people." – Mary Chhea

"Work with her before I try to buy up all of her time forever." – Kevin Oberhausen

"I can see the future and not only is it big, but it doesn't feel as scary because I know what to do now!" – Liz Wilcox

"Scale Society eased so much of my anxiety and legitimized my business on a deeper level." – Alisha Grogan

Capped at just 12 business owners per cohort, Scale Society is designed to give you plenty of individualized attention, when you need it and exactly WHERE you need it. 

We'll take a good look at your business, your goals, your personal scaling path, and set up systems and processes to make running your business and scaling smoother.

Scale Society is a close-knit, personalized group program designed to help you build a solid foundation for your business.

You’ll finally know what data to track and how to use it to make business decisions responsibly and mindfully.

You’ll never again wake up at 2am wondering if your new $20k client got their invoice, or if the buy button is actually working on that sales page you're driving traffic to.

You’ll start holding less information in your head, and put more of it into processes and tools, which will free up your bandwidth, allow you to delegate easier, and save you time.

You'll be able to outsource work confidently; knowing that you don't have to be the one doing it in order for it to be "done right".

You’ll never again hear yourself say, “This takes too long to explain. It’s just easier if I do it myself.”

You'll stop triple guessing your decisions.

We’ll solve all those issues together and so much more.

You can’t unknow a great process once you learn it and I’m here to teach you (or your VA) so you can create a beautiful and solid back-end for your business. Together in Scale Society we release the sales, launch, growth, and daily administration worries that haunt your dreams.

The result? You're ready to scale beyond your wildest imagination; in a way that’s both sustainable and profitable.

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And here's where the magic happens

"Scale Society gave me the tools and confidence to hire excellent people."

"When I started my second round of Scale Society, I committed to spending the six months refining my side business. I like to have a few things to work on at the same time (manifesting generator!) and I tend to move FAST to get my things into the world (Enneagram 7!), so slowing down and focusing on one thing was a biiig scary commitment.

The hot seats were my favorite because they gave me an anchor when it felt uncomfortable. It reminded me that I'm not the only one who's trying to create something from my living room. The content itself is juicy and easy to follow. Scale Society gave me the tools and confidence to hire excellent people. The second round deepened my clarity about why and where I can ask for more help.

This week, a team member gave notice and I’m so happy for her! I’m not panicking - I have the processes to successfully train her successor AND I have a hiring process that worked before and will work even better next time. I no longer feel like an imposter playing at running a fun business - I feel super grown up and legit!"


If you’re a solopreneur, I’m willing to bet that most days you...

… worry that something big’s about to fall through the cracks. You don’t know what - it’s just this feeling like you’re missing something important.

… shake your head at the collection of stats you've accumulated, not really knowing what half of them mean, why they matter, or how they can be used to help you.

… wonder if you’re losing leads… seems like you should have more in your pipeline, but don’t know how to find the leak, or how you’d plug it if you did.

… spend hours manually moving people through your onboarding or pulling reports or invoicing, all the time wishing there was some way to automate it.

All of that 👆 is 100% normal.


When you’re doing it all yourself, or with just one or two contractors behind you, it’s easy to feel like you’re on shaky ground. You’ve been too busy working with clients, managing your workload (and that of your team if you have one), and trying to innovate for your own business.

It’s no wonder you haven’t had time to figure out your SOPs, put together automations, or streamline your business processes. Let alone spend time figuring out what tech stack you should be using (or what a tech stack even is), and how to get your systems to play nice with each other.

Feeling like you’re working in a house of cards, like you don’t really have a foundation beneath you…that's most solopreneurs.

The good news?

You don’t have to do it all on your own.

You don’t even have to find some staggeringly knowledgeable dream team member and pay them $80k to be your COO. You likely don't even need that top notch OBM that's a steal at $3k a month.

You don’t have to be the one with all the answers.

Even if organization and details aren’t high on your strength finders chart, or you’re so busy you can’t even take the time to save a file to the correct folder and instead have just one big ass “temp” folder on your desktop waiting to be cleaned out.

I promise, every other successful entrepreneur (solo or otherwise) has been there.

You can finallyhave a solid foundation to scale your business from, and be prepared for any opportunity or pivot the universe throws your way.

"Work with her before I try to buy up all of her time forever."

"Sandra can save you months of struggling and figuring things out in just a 20 minute chat.

She's thoughtful, insightful, and really listens... And she know's WTF she's doing. The Scale Society course reflects all of that.

Sandra covers every basis, takes every consideration, and makes fully certain to give you everything you need, practically, mentally, and emotionally, to scale your business easily and on sure footing. She's the best. Work with her before I try to buy up all of her time forever."


You may be a Quickstart, creative brained, IG addict and feel like your entire genetic makeup is working against you but…

... as long as you’re willing to ask for, and accept, a little help you can have the business empire of your dreams, standing tall and solid, and ready for anything.

Truth is - most won’t.

Most entrepreneurs get stuck in the “self-made” myth, feeling they have to do it all themselves and that it’s somehow shameful or a weakness to ask for help.

Those that learn there’s no such thing as “self-made”, those who seek and accept help in all aspects of their business (and lives), they are the ones who “make it”. The ones who reach their goals consistently, and pivot easily.

Why not let the “secret weapon” pulling the strings behind clients who’ve scaled from six, to seven (and even multiple seven) figures support you in building a solid foundation for your business.

(and get strategies that’ll help you scale faster and more consistently than ever before).

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"Inside Scale Society I could ask ANY question and get valuable feedback right away, to help my business grow. For the first time I wasn't constantly wondering "should I sign up for this course / that bootcamp?". Everything I needed was here. It was like a mastermind but with tech demos (so, better than a mastermind)."


"If you want a 'business/operations person to help you 'set your business up' like a pro, from the beginning, you need Scale Society and Sandra. She basically answered *any* question I threw at her - from tech questions to systems to mindset. 10 out of 10!"


"I can see the future and not only is it big, but it doesn't feel as scary because I know what to do now!"

"I've always said, “I want a company. I want to be the head of something very large and impactful” which is not everyone's dream but, going through this program, I was like, “Okay! Yes! I made the right decision in this because Sandra knows what the F she's talking about! She's obviously worked with many companies! Even starting off as small as I am today, as small as I was six months ago, I was like, okay! I'm building the right building blocks!" So that feels like a huge win, just learning what all that entails feels amazing!

I thought this program would just be about making sure my ducks were in a row, but really it's..."No, Liz! You have the potential to create a real company”! and learning what kind of thinking goes into that and just listening to Sandra just causes me to think so much bigger. I can see the future and not only is it big, but it doesn't feel as scary because I know what to do now!

One of the things that really got me was when Sandra talked about your critical number. That helped me focus so much and it's also allowed me to very easily say no to things in my business. It’s been the driving force behind all my decisions!

Even the name of the program - "Scale Society". I realized it's not about trying to sell more, it's about having those driving forces behind you so that those sales just happen at the right moments."


Oh hey, I’m Sandra!

And I’ve always been a process girl.

Whether I was planning out what order to wash the dishes in when I was 7 (gotta maximize that counter space and get it all done before The Green Forest came on), or creating a training program a new position I was promoted to after teaching myself the role, because no assets existed and I knew we'd need to hire more staff. Saving the company hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars when they expanded the following year.

Understanding the path to the next step, and the goals we’re working towards is in my DNA.

AGE 13

Encouraged my Uncle to ask his client for an introduction to another theatre owner, propelling his goal of city expansion forward

AGE 22

Developed an applicant tracking system to keep track of potential new hires from the moment they dropped off their resume to when they got the 'yay' or 'nay' from HR; which helped us to find, test, and hire a record breaking 120 new hires in 6 weeks.

AGE 28

Worked closely with IT to develop and test a new automated system for the selection and buying process of e-books (in the earlier aughts when they were just becoming a thing).

AGE 34

Helped a local bookkeeper go from serving two clients out of his spare bedroom to running an office with a staff of 5 and a huge client roster, bringing his revenue from low 5 to mid-6 figures inside of 18 months.

And in the last 8 years I've helped...

Customer Journey specialist, Stacy Coyle, start, build, and max out her new business

Quiz Funnel Queen, Chanti Zak, take multiple months off for maternity. Not once; but twice inside of 2 years

Marketing Specialist, Kevin Oberhausen, hire support for his biggest client

Copywriter, Laura Gatsos-Young create solid financial practices in her business

Multiple clients, including Laura
Belgray, of Talking Shrimp, hit 7 figures for the 1st time in their business

How about we add your own name and business results here next?

"Scale Society eased so much of my anxiety and legitimized my business on a deeper level"

"Before starting Scale Society I was overwhelmed with running my team, and knew there were some hidden areas of my business that I wasn't running well. I'm an occupational therapist and never took a business class in my life, despite that I was steering the ship of my business for 10 years.

Scale Society eased so much of my anxiety and legitimized my business on a deeper level as I learned how to fill in the missing pieces, and build a strong team both with future new hires and maximizing the team I already had.

What was absolutely refreshing was Sandra's honest and realistic view of online businesses. Her vast experience was shared without pressure, finger wagging, or any "this is the only way to do this statements," like I'd heard from other big online marketers! Her personal support is invaluable as you move through the program!"



Bold Italic


"Before Scale Society I felt like I was missing a whole lot in my business. I had some processes in place but everything required me to make it go. It was stressful! Since joining I've hired support! All my processes are documented and don't all require me any more. I can more clearly see where else my business needs support and I feel so much better about releasing control over things - MAJOR! I also feel more connected to my company’s mission, which has helped me make better decisions along the way. I finally feel like I have permission to build my business around myself, the way I want to do it!"


"Before joining Scale Society, the majority of my time was spent on my client work and I paid little attention to the fundamentals of running a business! Within a few months, I was able to implement more effective and measurable SOPs, sound financial practices and a solid foundation upon which to run and scale my business. I'm grateful I invested in Scale Society because I'm more confident in what it takes to run a sustainable business as a professional creative. I have the resources to return to whenever I need information or clarity as new things come up. Sandra is so generous with her knowledge and experience and I felt supported throughout."


Scale Society is for you if – 

… seem to have hit a ceiling on your revenue

...are struggling to get (or maintain) the right support in your business,

...often find you don’t have time to do all the things you want (or have) to do in your business, or

…you feel like you’re "playing" at being a business owner, or that your business isn’t as "grown up" as you want or need it to be…

– you’re an online service provider or course creator, and...

Have a system for making the tough decisions that has you feeling confident moving forward

... and you want to...

Have that "grown up" business feeling where you know your numbers, have systems and processes in place, and are ready to scale any time

Know how to hire the right people for the right roles... and train them you can finally grow

Have someone to ask all your questions to. Someone...

with experience in all the tech

who has been around the launch block a few times

who has already helped many businesses like yours scale and hit their goals consistently

Here's the deal

In Scale Society, you’ll get clarity on...

what systems you need to set up (and how),

what tools you should have in place (and how to use them effectively),

what SOPs need to be built out (and what even is an SOP and why you would want one),

what you need to be doing to prepare your business for ongoing growth (so it can scale smoothly without the hiccoughs), and

how to ensure your first/next hire is the perfect fit (and what to do if they aren't).

Get notified when doors open

Scale Society is not for you if – 

But keep in mind

You’re hoping I’ll be your VA or OBM and do it all for you. (Though I can help you find a great one!)

You’re not looking to scale your business and see no reason why your to-do list should live somewhere other than your head.

You believe success is for “those other people” and don’t really think you’ll ever “get there”

"Sandra is a treasure trove of knowledge! It will save you SO much time and so many tech headaches to have her by your side. "

"During my time in Scale Society, my VA and I got SO organized. We revamped my email tagging system which felt AWESOME. And we have naming conventions for all our opt-ins, email sequences and automations. Now that I'm getting more complex with email, it's so nice to know the backend of my ConvertKit isn't a chaotic mess.

We also created a testimonial directory and business dashboard. Locating things are so easy. I feel like I have so many business foundations in place, which is something I really wanted before launching the digital arm of my business (which will come with way more customers, offers and complications).

Setting things up from the beginning (or as close to it as possible) has made me feel confident I have a backend that's organized. And I won't have to do some stressful overhaul to clean things up down the road. Sandra is an over-giver with her resources too. During Scale Society, I got my hands on excel sheets to better organize my first launch, a tool to test the load speed of my website and a gorgeous plan for organizing my entire Google Drive.

AND if you have a tech snafu, Sandra will literally go into the backend of your software and send you a Loom video explaining how to fix things. If you're thinking of joining Scale Society, sign up!"


A quick word from Round One (AND Two!) participant, Carly Banks of The Habit Ayurveda

“Before starting Scale Society I was overwhelmed with running my team, and knew there were some hidden areas of my business that I wasn't running well. I'm an occupational therapist and never took a business class in my life, despite that I was steering the ship of my business for 10 years.”

– Carly Banks of The Habit Ayurveda

Real stories

A’s to all of your burning Q’s

No, it's a group program that comes with pre-recorded training.

I totally get it, you’re busy. I recommend 2 hours a week on average but your time commitment can be as much or as little as you like. If you can’t make it to a hot seat session you can submit something in advance and I’ll do my best to answer it in your absence. Taking part in bonus Coworking sessions are optional but highly recommended - you can stay for the whole thing or just part of it. Everything is recorded and all recordings are searchable so you can watch back the parts you need to at a time that suits your schedule.

Yes, as long as you keep your eye on the prize and moving forward toward your goal the support you receive will help you build a strong foundation on which to expand your offerings and/or your team.

Yes, but not in the way I think you mean. I’ll tell you how to do things and will look over what you have done but actually setting things up is the responsibility of you or your team.

You get me twice a month for your hot seat calls plus I pop into the Facebook Group a few times during the week (You can tag me there anytime). You'll also see me on the Coworking sessions and Connection Calls.

The program runs for 6 months, Sep. 2024 - Feb. 2025.

Not at all. If you can’t make a call due to your time zone you can still take advantage of office hours by submitting your question in advance. 

You have lifetime access to all the recordings, content and Facebook Group.


Bold Italic


"Scale Society is a great place to set up your business systems; and the framework to think about how to scale is precious. It will move you forward!"


"Scale Society is an integration between the system and human aspect of business. Sandra knows A LOT about tech and systems (the process). At the same time she also knows and cares about the reality of a business owner and customer experience (the human side of it)."


"3 years later and I'm so close to hitting 7-figures, working half as much as I used to, building a team, just bought my dream farm, and I'm having more fun in my business than ever before."

"When I first started working with Sandra I was making less than $100k a year. I was working my brain buns off while sitting on my physical ones for 10+ hours a day. I had no idea how to scale or delegate, but having access to Sandra's genius changed everything.

3 years later and I'm so close to hitting 7-figures, working half as much as I used to, building a team, just bought my dream farm, and I'm having more fun in my business than ever before.

Sandra has helped me every step of the way. When I think about not having access to her invaluable insights and support I spiral a bit.

I've told her multiple times to please never leave me. She's that good. If you have the chance to get this brilliant, big-hearted, and badass business scaling strategist in your corner, don't hesitate.

Sandra should be charging 10 times what she does and one day she'll listen 😉"


"Sandra is the reason I was able to scale my business while working about 30 hours/week."

"Working with Sandra is how I’ve been able to take multiple sabbaticals and have a 4-day workweek for most of my career. Together we’ve scaled up my business AND scaled it down. She is the most reliable person on the internet that I know, and also one of the smartest.

Sandra taught me literally everything I know about the backend of my business. I know a ton of online business owners that secretly hate at least 50% of the things they have to do as a business owner—Sandra saved me from all of that. You should see my Google Drive. #goals

If you asked me about my secret weapon of success, there’s no question: it’s Sandra."


"I went from 6 to 7 figures and my business is finally what I dreamed it would be."

"I always wanted to scale but thought I couldn't because I didn't want a team. What I didn't know was what I needed wasn't a team, it was Sandra.It's no coincidence that my income and my business have both transformed dramatically since we started working together. I went from 6 to 7 figures and my business is finally what I dreamed it would be.None of that would have happened without Sandra's help and incredible know how.

I always feel bad for other people because when they hear what Sandra's done for my business they beg to hire her and can't -- but now they have the opportunity!"

– LAURA BELGRAY, Founder of Talking Shrimp

Ready to get the scalable "grown-up" business of your dreams?

Be the first to know when doors to Scale Society open again!