Numbers got you down?

Know you should be tracking metrics but have no idea which metrics to track? Or how to look at them and see them in any meaningful way?

Ever feel embarrassed when someone mentions metrics or KPIs because you don't have the first clue about what numbers are important to your business beyond revenue and conversion rates? Have you ever set a goal for yourself, worked really hard at it, and then were surprised and disappointed that you didn't make it?

All-In-One Dashboard

The KPI Business Dashboard

This is your answer to “what the heck do I track?” and “am I meeting my goals?”

Access all your important metrics in one place with the KPI Business Dashboard. No more jumping between multiple spreadsheets or apps!

Easy to Understand Lessons

Not sure what KPIs are or which ones to track for your business? No problem! The KPI Business Dashboard includes brief lessons to help guide you.

Bonus Materials Included

Get even more value with our bonus materials, including 'Figuring Out Your Critical Number' and 'Using Your KPI Dashboard To Manage Your Business Like A Boss'.

The KPI Business Dashboard collects all of your numbers in one place, and gives you at-a-glance information so you always know what’s happening in your business and whether you're on track to meet your goals.

Expertly designed easy to use trackers for all your metrics, organized into the most common categories online service providers need to track (Customer Service data, Financials, Marketing, Sales, Social Media, and more).

Your dashboard includes

The KPI Dashboard that ties it all together so you can see your most important KPIs at a glance.

Track your progress and compare what you've done this week or month to how you've performed in the past—always know how you're doing so you can keep momentum or pivot when needed.

Lessons covering: What KPIs are, Why you need to measure and track your KPI’s, The difference between Leading Indicators and Lagging Indicators and why you need to track both, and How to choose what KPIs to track for your business.

All your numbers in ONE place.

Oh! And did I mention these bonuses?!

Figuring Out Your Primary Number

Every business has one key metric they should be tracking, and that metric varies from business to business. This bonus lesson helps you figure out yours. Focusing on that key metric will ensure you're allows moving forward.

The 5 KPIs ALL businesses should track

Figuring out what KPIs you need to track can be overwhelming. There are just so many possibilities. Luckily there are a few standard ones you can start with and we'll go over each of those in detail.

Using Your KPI Dashboard To Manage Your Business Like A Boss

In a bonus video we'll cover Creating your KPI Review Process, How to use your KPI dashboard to make decisions, When and How often to Review It, The Best Way to Keep It Up-to-date and more.

Wondering if the KPI Business Dashboard is for you? Check out this video overview:

Who it is (and isn’t) for...

you have goals for where you want to go but no data telling you if you’re getting there

The KPI Business Dashboard is for you if you’re an online service provider and…

you tend to find numbers overwhelming

you’re constantly worried that you’re missing something and know KPIs are a big part of that

you like detecting small problems before they become big ones

you want collecting your stats to be easy

This is not for you if…

you’re an expert statistician

you already have a tool in place that’s working for so you always know your numbers

you have several departments, each of which consist of large groups who track their own numbers