Stop guessing.

Always know exactly what to do to hit your big revenue goals (and increase your profit)

Without having to put in more time, create a new offer, or add another exhausting launch to your calendar.

"One of the things that really got me was when Sandra talked about your critical number. That helped me focus so much and it's also allowed me to very easily say no to things in my business. It’s been the driving force behind all my decisions!"

– LIZ WILCOX, COPYWRITER & EMAIL MARKETING SPECIALIST AND SCALE SOCIETY ALUM do what you love, and have more control over the work you do, how much you make, when and where you do the work (hello, San Juan! 🇵🇷), and who you have get to interact with everyday.

You also want to have a profitable business that funds your lifestyle and doesn’t leave you feeling burnt out and exhausted everyday.

Which is proving to be difficult to achieve.

And after years of following advice from your fav online guru’s who’ve promised you offers and launches that smash all your sales goals, magic upsells that’ll 10x your profit, and evergreen funnels that’ll transform you into a millionaire while you sleep…

…you feel stuck, frustrated, and maybe even ashamed—wondering what’s wrong with you and your business because you’ve followed all the steps and it’s just not happening for you.

You started your business...

(some of the advice out there does suck, but it’s actually the click-baity sound bites that are followed without content that get people in trouble, but I digress)

It’s not you, or your business (or even the advice necessarily) that’s the problem

So you keep doing things that are unnecessary; like launching yet another offer that doesn’t sell as well as you thought it would.

Or focusing on making more upsells, sending more emails, doing more reels, adding more launches to an already full calendar, and desperately following each piece of advice you’ve read or paid for, hoping this time something will change… but it never does.

And the reality is, it won’t. 
Not yet. 

Because you can’t solve the problem if you don’t know what the problem is.

"Sandra can save you months of struggling and figuring things out in just a 20 minute chat.

She's thoughtful, insightful, and really listens... And she know's WTF she's doing. Sandra covers every basis, takes every consideration, and makes fully certain to give you everything you need, practically, mentally, and emotionally, to scale your business easily and on sure footing. 

She's the best. Work with her before I try to buy up all of her time forever."


The problem isno one’s ever shown you how to know which helpful bits of advice you should do now, which you should do later. or what should be done never.

Hey, I’m Sandra B.

I’ve helped clients like Chanti Zak, Tarzan Kay, Laura Belgray, and many others, scale their business from 5 and 6 figures, to 6 and 7 figures (and counting).

My tough love approach (heavy on the love) focuses on bringing order to chaos, and creating plans that are clear, easy to follow, easy to implement, and easy to see if they’re working or not. Plans tailored to the needs of your business and your way of working.

I take surveys for fun, never met a process I didn’t like, and am a big believer in personal growth as a keystone to business growth.

Most of all I believe that in order to grow your business you need to understand your business, because there are no “one-size-fits-all” strategic plans.

That might sound a whole lot like boring work to most people but your business will feel way more fun, exciting and rewarding when you start hitting your goals consistently, and seeing your profit in your business double even though you did less launches this year.

And there are processes that can be used in the vast majority of businesses to create incremental and lasting improvements.

Which means taking the time to collect and look at the data and use the information you have to inform your decisions.

Your easy, repeatable way for knowing what to do in your business, and when.

So you never have to waste your time, or mental energy, on more launches, offers, or IG Reels that won’t make you more profitable or take any of those 9 tons of work off your back.

Introducing the...

Grab the Replay

Here’s what we'll cover

Session 1: Detect 

I’ll walk you through a powerful way of assessing your business that will help you determine what area to put your energy into right now to have the biggest long-term impact on your business goals.

Session 2: Decide 

We’ll go through each of the lenses we walked through in the previous session and brainstorm ideas for how we might address those areas of your business and choosing one project to work on for the next 90-days.

Session 3: Design

This is where we confirm what project you’ll be working on over the next 90-days and create a project plan outline so you have a clear idea of what the project includes, what milestones need to be completed, and what metrics you’ll look at to determine if your project was successful.

Session 4: DeploY

We’ll go through what your next 90-days should look like as you work through your project and set regular checkins for you (and/or your team) so you stay on track.

NOTE:  This is a replay of the original 4D-90 Workshop Sessions

You’ll walk away with...

... a powerful assessment tool you can use again and again to analyze the effectiveness of each key area of your business

... insight into how each of these areas are functioning in your business right now, and which one needs a little love and attention

... an understanding of what ‘better’ looks like for each of the areas of your business

... a treasure trove of ideas you can go back to again and again to address issues in any area of your business in the future

... a clear action plan to address the weakest area of your business right now that you’ll work through over the next 90-days

... clarity on what metrics to track to so you’ll know if what you’re doing is getting you the results you expected

... a step-by-step process you can use every 90-days to pinpoint the area most in need so you can create on-going, incremental and lasting positive change in your business

And let’s not forget – a newfound confidence that your business is running smoothly and you’re always a step ahead. 



"Before working through Sandra’s 6 Lens Assessment I felt at a loss as to how to move my business forward. I didn’t have a clear picture of how my business was performing in key areas, projects were piled up and I felt scattered, unsure of where to focus my attention next.

After the assessment, I had a crystal-clear understanding of the weakest links in my business and which projects to push through to immediately strengthen those areas and get me back on track toward reaching my business goals. After months of gear-grinding, Sandra had given me the clarity and direction I desperately needed in under 90 minutes."

Plus all these Bonuses

Our Annual Planning Guide

This is the planning cadence we use in our business, and our clients' businesses, to regularly hit our goals and make lasting impact each quarter.You’ll always know what numbers you should be tracking, what goals you’re working towards, what area of business is most in need of your attention, and how to best affect positive change in your business.

Reusable Templates

Templates you can use again and again to assess your business and plan out your next 90-Days. No having to guess what you should be doing or how, it’s all right there for you in the template.

An Annual Planning Calendar

A calendar you can subscribe to so you always know what you should be panning for next, with reminders so you never forget to prep for a check in.Everything you need to keep yourself on track with the Annual Planning cadence is laid out for you in your calendar so you never miss a step.



"Without Sandra’s help, there’s no way I’d have been able to grow my business so quickly, with so little stress. Let alone take a month long sabbatical without worrying that my business would fall apart. Over and over again Sandra has proven herself to be capable and trustworthy.

I trust her to manage not only my most important (and lucrative) promotions, but my team and entire business as well. No one has ever come close to delivering the quality and value that Sandra does. If you asked me about my not-so-secret weapon of success, there’s no question: it’s Sandra."

The 4D-90 Framework Workshop Replay

... you’ve often felt like your business was stuck. Like you’ve plateaued and don’t know how to get things moving in the right direction again.

... everything feels like work. It’s all a struggle and you just want things to be a bit easier.

... your entire growth plan for your business right now is “launch more” or “create more offers”.

... when you’re really honest with yourself you’d say “it’s all guess work”. You make most of your decisions without any data and no real feeling that it’s the right decision.

... your business is already scaling well, and a powerful, proven system for assessing your business, pinpointing weaknesses, brainstorming solutions, and creating a clear plan to help you conquer your challenges and achieve lasting success.

It’s for you if – 

However, it’s not for you if – 

.. you already have a reliable system for assessing your business that you use regularly

... you are looking for launch help (we don’t get into launch strategy here)

... you’re unwilling to make time to work on your business right now

Grab the Replay

"...knowing what you're working on and why, destroys resistance.”

“Patron saint of creativity Steven Pressfield talks about how resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work.

And that it's always lying and always full of shit. What I've learned through regular quarterly planning with Sandra's support is that knowing what you're working on and why, destroys resistance. It makes the big scary hairy goals seem doable because all you truly have to do once you've mapped it out is

That said, I always feel resistance around our quarterly planning sessions. Probably because deep down I know that this action will create results and progress -- the very things resistance loathes. If planning out your next quarter feels daunting, take that as a sign to DO IT and trust that you are in very good hands."


Grab the Replay of the
4D-90 Framework Workshop

$ 297 USD


OR three payments of $99.00

4 Recorded Guided Workshops

A framework you can use repeatedly in your business so you’ll always be moving forward

The answer to “what should I be working on right now?”

A 90-day plan for the one project you should work on to address the weakest spot in your business fully outlined

The key number you need to be tracking in your business

A generous resource of ideas (that we create together) of projects you can implement to improve any lens of your business at any time

Plus these bonuses:

Annual Planning Guide (Template and Video Walkthrough)

Reusable Templates and walkthroughs you can use every quarter

Annual Planning Calendar (12 options - pick your year-end) - with reminders!


Get it Now



"What was absolutely refreshing was Sandra's honest and realistic view of online businesses. Her vast experience was shared without pressure, finger wagging, or any "this is the only way to do this" statements, like I'd heard from other big online marketers! Her personal support is invaluable as you move through the program!"

If you've ever...

Hired a Virtual Assistant who didn’t work out and you don’t know why…

Avoided questions like, “what’s your profit margin” because you have absolutely no idea, but are too embarrassed to admit it…

Stared at your stats on Instagram and wondered, “how does this help me?”...

Launched an offer again, and again, hoping that this time you’ll finally hit your sales goal…

Been frustrated that you just can’t hit that revenue goal you set for yourself again this year…

Felt lost and confused about what you should do next, or felt like your whole business is guesswork…

Then this workshop is for you!

The 4D-90 Framework is an action-based 4-part recorded workshop series

That leads you through a highly effective, repeatable process to help you:

Pinpoint the weakest area of your business

Find a solution to address the issue

Design and deploy a project to fix it

We’re not talking band-aid solutions here.

This is a process you can use in your business over and over again to effect real, long-lasting, incremental change in your business with each project building on the one before it.

In the end, you’ll say goodbye to your overwhelming task list, the one you pieced together from everything you read you’re “supposed” to be doing, and replace it with the only tasks you need to do to make a difference in your business in the next 90 days.

You’ll replace guessing, chasing shiny objects, and jumping from project to project with I-know-what-needs-to-be-done clarity and the excitement that comes with smashing your revenue goals and having it translate into bankable profit.

And you’ll have a process that makes you run your business and show up like the top-tier go-getter that you are, finally in control and able to plan a clear path to your future.

Grab the Replay



"Sandra is a treasure trove of knowledge! It will save you SO much time and so many tech headaches to have her by your side."

A’s to all of your burning Q’s

What is the 4D-90 Framework?

The 4D-90 Framework is a 4-part recorded workshop series that guides you through a highly effective, repeatable process to help you pinpoint the weakest area of your business, find a solution to address the issue, and design and deploy a project to fix it. It's a process you can use in your business over and over again to effect real, long-lasting, incremental change.

Who is the 4D-90 Framework for? 

The 4D-90 Framework is for business owners who feel stuck or frustrated with their current business growth, those who feel like their business is all guesswork, or those whose growth plan is simply to "launch more" or "create more offers". It's not for businesses that are already scaling well or have a reliable system for assessing their business.

You'll get a powerful assessment tool, insight into how each area of your business is functioning right now, a clear action plan to address the weakest area of your business, clarity on what metrics to track, and a step-by-step process you can use every 90 days to pinpoint the area most in need.

The bonuses include our Annual Planning Guide, Reusable Templates, and an Annual Planning Calendar. These tools will help you keep track of your business planning and provide a structure for your ongoing business assessment and improvement.

The 4D-90 Framework costs $297 USD. This includes the 4 recorded guided workshops, a framework you can use repeatedly, a 90-day plan for your project, key numbers you need to be tracking, a resource of ideas, and the bonuses.

Who is Sandra B.? 

Sandra B. is the guide for the 4D-90 Framework. She has helped clients like Chanti Zak, Tarzan Kay, Laura Belgray, and many others, scale their businesses from 5 and 6 figures to 6 and 7 figures. Her approach focuses on bringing order to chaos and creating solid strategic plans tailored to the needs of the business and the personality of the business owner.

The 4D-90 Framework does not cover launch strategy. It is designed to help you identify and address the weakest areas of your business for overall improvement and growth. If you're specifically looking for launch help, this might not be the right fit for you.

The 4D-90 Framework requires a commitment of time to work on your business. If you're unable or unwilling to make that time right now, this might not be the right fit for you.

The 4D-90 Framework is designed to be a streamlined and efficient process. While the exact time commitment will depend on your unique business needs, you should plan to watch and work through the four recorded sessions (90-minutes each) and commit time to implementing the strategies and steps outlined in each stage of the framework.

Our team is always here to assist you. Email with any questions you have.

We're confident that the 4D-90 Framework will provide immense value to your business. However, if you're not satisfied, we recommend reaching out to our support team to discuss any issues or concerns you might have. We're here to ensure you have a positive and beneficial experience.

Unleash your full potential and transform your business with the 4D-90 Framework

Say goodbye to guesswork and frustration. With the 4D-90 Framework, you'll gain a clear, actionable process to identify and address your business's weak points. Guided by Sandra B., you'll see real, lasting change, making your goals easier to achieve each time. It's time to take control and drive your business towards long-term success.

Join now