Get the expert advice and strategy your business needs

To face your decisions, pivots, and growth confidently 

–without dropping the equivalent of a Tesla Cybertruck to get it!


expert advice

…stat you didn’t realize you needed to track, 

There’s so much to know, and consider, and do that it’s impossible to stay on top of it all.  Every dang day, there’s a new...

…strategy some guru says will transform your business,

…software that’s going to save you gobs of time and money,

…social media platform everyone says is “the next big thing”,

…setback you have to tackle, or crisis you need to avert.

And the overarching message that’s being shouted at you from every direction is…

This is the answer to all your problems.”

Oooh! I’ve always wanted the answer to all my problems!

I don’t have to tell you that growing a business is hard

we're talkiing...

Consistent, access to a diverse panel of expert advisors. With weekly group calls and an active and engaged community, you're never far away from the info you need, tailored to you, from a source you can trust.

With a  focus on strategic business growth, collective problem-solving, networking opportunities, and a supportive environment—so you can finally move past the multi-6-figure plateau.

So you try it. You try it all. 

Every tip and trick you hear from someone who seems more successful than you gets put on your list of to-do’s and you eagerly implement each one in turn—hoping this will be the thing that turns everything around for you.

But most of it doesn’t help. Some of it even sets you back a few steps. And in the end, you’re left thinking…
“I’m doing it wrong. I’m not doing enough. I’m not a real business owner.”

I want you to know, you're not the issue here.

The issue is the advice you're receiving. It's not customized to you and what your business needs. And, you don’t have a solid process for figuring out what advice to follow and what you should ignore, and why.

So what do you do when you need advice from an expert who genuinely gets your business?

Hire a coach?

You could. But they aren’t going to be an expert in all the different areas you desperately need help with. And the really good ones are often too far ahead of you to remember what it’s like to be where you are, or they cost the equivalent of flying first-class from Toronto to London, England.

Join a Mastermind?

Same problem. Plus, if you end up in an extremely popular one run by your fav business celebrity, you’re likely paying even more than you would a coach and getting less tailored advice.

And that’s a problem because...

“Statistics show that many companies don't make it longer than five years, and one of those reasons is that they don't get enough good advice.” (


(oooh! Great name Sandra, you’ve done it again! But... What is it?)

When you’re just starting a business, you're bombarded with beginner-friendly programs. And when you’re scaling past $5mil, mentorship and support flood your inbox. 

But what if you're in the middle? 

You're a multi-6-figure online service provider, you've built something great and know how to make money. But you’re stuck. All the other aspects of running a business are less familiar to you and it’s holding you back. Worse, the right resources seem out of reach.

Programs are too niched and only provide very specific help in a very specific area.

Coaches can help a lot but are limited in their knowledge and often are out of budget.

Masterminds provide more generalized advice that doesn’t align with your unique business needs, and often come with a hefty price tag.

That's where The 627 Advisory Board steps in.

Imagine getting guidance that's tailored specifically to you and your business.

No more guesswork or trying to retrofit generic advice to your unique situation.

This is The 627 Advisory Board: your bridge over the resource gap, your catalyst for growth, and your community for collaboration.

You get access not only to a board of advisors who give you top-tier advice but also to an ecosystem designed to help you stay accountable to yourself and your business. Each month, you'll set your goal, and identify potential hurdles before they even appear. You're always moving forward, and strategically overcoming challenges.

The board members and supplemental advisors we bring in are experts in their field and have been where you are. They remember exactly what it’s like to be in this stage of business and can help you spot weaknesses and potential hurdles you haven’t yet seen.

Beyond that, we’ll also help you make great connections and find opportunities to collaborate within the community. Regardless of your natural comfort level around networking we facilitate those crucial connections, so you're not just meeting people – you're creating friendships, finding advocates, and building alliances.

Why the 627 Advisory Board
& What it is.

Gena Maselli, Co-Founder of Writing Momentum

Before joining, we would go round and round about how to scale our business. We knew where we wanted to go but didn’t know how to get there. Now, we are able to bring our questions to the table with proven professionals and leave feeling confident that we’re heading in the right direction.

Their feedback is always thorough and clear. And here’s the kicker, they’re great people. No pretense. No talking down to anyone. No making anyone feel less-than. It’s the perfect no-pressure environment for taking our business to the next step. Thank you, Sandra and all the trainers, for helping us 6-ers get to the 7s.

Getting access to good advice from trusted experts is a crucial factor in the success of a business. 

Having someone to ask questions to, bounce ideas off of, and strategize with can be a game-changer.

Here's why:

Understanding the Business Maze

Even the smallest businesses can be complex. Expert advisors are there to demystify things for you. They offer insights into market trends, help you understand your customers better, and give you a leg-up on the competition. It's like having a secret decoder ring for the business world!

Steering Clear of Common Mistakes

Ever wondered why some businesses just don't make it? Often, it's things like money mishaps, marketing misfires, or getting tangled in red tape. Experts come with a wealth of experience to help you avoid these common pitfalls, keeping you on the path to success.

Staying Fresh and Relevant

The market is always changing, and to stay in the game, you've got to evolve with it. Advisors bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that can breathe new life into your business strategies.

Growing Smartly

Ever heard the phrase "too much, too soon"? Experts can guide you on sustainable growth strategies. They'll help you figure out the best ways to expand your business without overstretching your resources.

Managing Risks

Every business faces risks, but they don't have to be scary. Expert advisors can help you identify potential risks early on and develop strategies to keep them in check, ensuring your business stays healthy for the long run.

Building Strong Customer Relationships

In the end, it's all about your customers. Experts in marketing and customer relations can give you the lowdown on how to connect with your customers effectively, build loyalty, and keep up with their changing needs.

While there are many factors that contribute to the success of a business, access to knowledgeable, trusted experts offers a significant advantage. It provides an external perspective, specialized expertise, and strategic guidance, all of which are essential for navigating the challenges of running a successful business.

The good news is you don’t have to go out and find these experts yourself.
I’ve curated them for you!

Meet your Advisors

Your Standing Board

Sandra Booker

Sidekick COO, Growth Strategist, and Mentor

in business 9+ years

Zafira Rajan

Copywriter & Brand Strategist

In business 9+ years

Stacy Coyle

Customer Journey & Buyer Experience Strategist

In business 6+ years

Tarzan Kalryzian

Email Marketing Strategist

In business 8+ years

Chioma Njoku

Fractional CFO

In business 7+ years

Eman Ismail

Email Strategist & Copywriter

In business 5+ years

Mary Chhea

Social Media and Messaging Strategist

In business 7+ years

Jeffrey Shiau

Marketing Strategist & Community Manager


Click the          for more info on each of the Advisors on the Board.

👉 Click for more about Sandra

👉 Click for more about Zafira

👉 Click for more about Stacy

👉 Click for more about Tarzan

👉 Click for more about Chioma

👉 Click for more about Eman

👉 Click for more about Mary

👉 Click for more about Jeffrey

Meet your Advisors

Your Standing Board

Click the          for more info on each of the Advisors on the Board.

Sandra Booker

Sidekick COO, Growth Strategist, and Mentor

in business 8+ years

About Sandra

Sandra Booker is a fractional COO and growth strategist specializing in helping overworked, overwhelmed, multi-hatted entrepreneurs become the CEOs of sustainable, scalable, and profitable businesses. Sandra’s received accolades in her community like the 40 Under 40 award, and her clients include familiar names like Chanti Zak, Tarzan Kay, and Laura Belgray.

In her (efficiently used) spare time, she teaches others how to build and grow their own 6-figure virtual assistant practices and is on a mission to create a million jobs by helping her clients and students scale their businesses.

"After months of gear-grinding, Sandra had given me the clarity and direction I desperately needed in under 90 minutes." - Rachel H.

Zafira Rajan

Copywriter & Brand Strategist

In business 9+ years

About Zafira

Zafira Rajan is a copywriter and brand strategist who helps entrepreneurs unblock their voice, harness their creative energy, and write sensory stories that connect with their audience.

"The last three months of our work together have been a HUGE journey of growth. It absolutely solidified me going from a freelancer who hustles my butt off to being a CEO of an agency who leads people." – Salome Schillack

Stacy Coyle

Customer Journey & Buyer Experience Strategist

In business 6+ years

About Stacy

Stacy Coyle is the Irish-accented Customer Journey & Buyer Experience Strategist behind Workplace Lemonade and the Fruit Salad Podcast. Using her Sorbet-Parfait Method™, she helps digital business owners experiencing growth realign their customer journey and craft high-end experiences that wow their audience. And yes, that includes enchanting buyer experiences too!!

"Stacy is my favorite UX person, such a gem. She finds so many threads you're missing and pulls them all together somehow. I've never felt as confident as I do now in my customer journey." – Nicole P

Tarzan Kay

Email Marketing Strategist

In business 8+ years

About Tarzan

Tarzan Kay specializes in writing emails that are fun to read and more addictive than whatever you just marathon-watched on Hulu. Her programs and DIY courses teach business owners how to write highly-addictive, story-driven emails that sell without using coercive sales tactics. She spent the last three years quietly dismantling her 7-figure boss-babe empire and building a more inclusive online business that prioritizes people over profits. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her two children and one canoe.

"She is so committed to holding a mirror up to her own practices, past and present, even the ugly bits she has since renounced. That takes courage. She is generous to a fault, and encouraging of all her students." – Jayati Vora

Chioma Njoku

Fractional CFO

In business 7+ years

About Chioma

Chioma is the owner of the Mindful Bookkeeper, where she serves as a Fractional CFO. She is also the host of the Cheers to Your Prosperity podcast. Using her 19 years of diverse accounting experience plus lessons learned from her own financial struggles, she helps small business owners keep more of their hard-earned money in the bank without sacrificing the things that make life enjoyable, such family time, dinners with friends, and coffees. When she is not playing with numbers, she is cooking up trouble in her kitchen, learning practicing handstands, and seeking new adventures within and beyond the Chicagoland area.

"Chioma explains the what, why, and how you save, invest, and more. She explains how your money comes to you, and shows you how you use and release it. She even helps you understand your relationship with money" – Lefford Fate

Eman Ismail

Email Strategist & Copywriter

In business 5+ years

About Eman

Eman Ismail is the person to call when you want to make money from your emails.As an email conversion strategist and copywriter, she helps 6+ figure online business owners and ecommerce brands fire up their conversions, evergreen their sales and turn fans into Superfans. Collectively, her strategy and copy has helped generate millions of dollars for her clients.Eman is also the host of multi award-winning podcast Mistakes That Made Me – a podcast that asks extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake, so you know what NOT to do on your road to success.

"I booked a 30 minute session with Eman and it was the single best decision I have made for my [business]." – Zamzam Hersi

Mary Chhea

Social Media and Messaging Strategist

In business 7+ years

About Mary

Mary Chhea (she/her) is a #FangirlForHire who helps in-person and online service providers connect with customers, collaborators and co-conspirators on social media without draining their energy. She believes that social media marketing should be fun, profitable + energy-efficient for even the most introverted, awkward or just plain too-busy service providers.As a messaging + social media strategist, Mary specializes in customizing a social media strategy that centers her client’s gifts + preferences to work in harmony with their audience, voice, offers + goals.A Colorado kid living with her husband and cat, Mary is a sucker for pho noodle soup, English panel comedy, and any excuse to visit a Harry Potter themed anything.

“My favorite part of working with Mary is not only her ability to problem solve + troubleshoot. She listens + looks at the situation from all angles." – Jessica

Jeffrey Shiau

Marketing Strategist & Community Manager

About Jeffrey

Jeffrey Shiau is the community manager of The 627 Advisory Board. They're also a marketing strategist, helping small business owners uncover strategies that are aligned with their values and attuned to their capacity, energy and wellbeing. He is passionate about reimagining and re-humanizing how we do marketing and business in ways that help move us towards our collective liberation.

"Whether I’m working with clients or curating knowledge, my work is rooted in how we can do marketing/business better."

When you join The 627 Advisory Board membership you get…

Weekly Co-hosted Board Room Sessions
With every session, you're not just gaining insights; you're actively elevating your business acumen. These sessions transform uncertainty into clarity, doubts into decisions. You'll walk away with actionable strategies, honed to perfection by expert advice. 

The outcome? Accelerated growth, reduced missteps, and a heightened sense of confidence in your business decisions. It's like having a GPS for the business world – guiding you through the fastest, most efficient route to your goals. This is where your business leaps from potential to actual, measurable success.

Monthly Watercooler Connection Builder calls
Here the power of collective wisdom is at your disposal. These calls aren't just meet-and-greets; they're a goldmine for collaborative success. By sharing thoughts, experiences, challenges, and ideas, you gain new perspectives, leading to innovative solutions. This is where alliances are formed, often leading to joint ventures, referrals, and shared resources. 

The outcome? A robust network that actively contributes to your business growth, opening doors to opportunities you might never have encountered alone.

Supplementary Advisory Calls
This is the safety net for those complex, less frequent business challenges. These monthly calls provide specialized knowledge exactly when you need it. 

The result? You're equipped to make informed decisions in areas outside your expertise, reducing risks and avoiding costly pitfalls. Whether it's legal intricacies or niche market strategies, these calls ensure you're never caught off-guard, preserving your business's integrity and forward momentum.

The members-only Advisory Board Facebook group
More than just a forum, this group is your 24/7 think tank. By engaging here, you're not just posting questions; you're tapping into a continuous stream of insights and support. 

The outcome is a dynamic, always-on resource for real-time problem-solving and brainstorming. Whether you need quick feedback, a sounding board, or emergency advice, this group ensures you're constantly connected to a network of supportive peers and advisors, keeping you agile and informed in your business journey.

The 627 Advisory Board is for you if…

You’re an online service provider

Your top line revenue is consistently $200k+ (or close to it)

Growth has been elusive for a while. You just can’t seem to hit your goals or you’re burning yourself out in order to reach them.

You’re not afraid to try something new or do the hard things when necessary

You have the capacity or support to implement new strategies

... but it’s not for you if...

You’re just getting started and are pre-revenue or $500 USD per month would put your business under financial strain

You just want someone to tell you exactly what to do, no questions asked

You firmly believe you don’t need support. You can figure it out and do it yourself

A’s to all of your burning Q’s

This membership is perfect for multi-6-figure online service providers who have a solid foundation but feel stuck in certain aspects of business growth. If you're seeking tailored advice and a supportive community, this is for you.

Unlike traditional coaching or mastermind groups, The Advisory Board offers a more holistic and personalized approach. You gain access to a diverse panel of experts, each specializing in different business areas, ensuring that the advice you receive is comprehensive and directly applicable to your unique situation.

You'll have weekly Board Room Sessions for continuous learning and guidance. Additionally, Supplementary Advisory Calls and the Facebook Group Community offer more opportunities to interact and gain insights from the advisors.

While the primary format is group sessions, some of the advisors may offer one-on-one sessions. These can be arranged directly with the advisor and are dependant on the advisor's offering these sessions, their availability, and the specific needs of your business.

While we can’t guarantee a certain level of growth (since that really depends on your actions, offerings, and market), we can say that active members can anticipate accelerated business growth, clearer decision-making, and a deeper understanding of various business aspects. While individual results vary, the focus is on sustainable and strategic growth.

Absolutely! The members-only Advisory Board Facebook group acts as a 24/7 think tank where you can connect with peers, share challenges, brainstorm ideas, and receive emergency advice, fostering a strong community spirit.

Membership is ongoing and renews monthly and can be cancelled at any time.

We strive for member satisfaction. If you feel the membership isn't meeting your needs, we offer a straightforward cancellation policy and welcome feedback to improve our services. Please note, there are no refunds.

The Advisory Board is tailored for multi-6-figure businesses. However, if you're close to this threshold and believe our services can benefit you, and the membership fee will not put you under financial strain, you’re welcome to join. 

Look, I suck at naming things. The original name was just going to be The Advisory Board but there was some consensus that it needed more. I wracked my brain for days and days and this was the best I could do (I've never claimed to be a branding expert).

You might find the meaning comes to you if you read it out loud. 627 --> as in, six to seven figures, referring to the type of person the membership is perfect for. Those in the messy middle who are solidly making 6 figures a year but haven't yet confidently surpassed the 7 figure mark.  

Sandra Booker

Sidekick COO, Growth Strategist, and Mentor

"After months of gear-grinding, Sandra had given me the clarity and direction I desperately needed in under 90 minutes." – Rachel H.

About Sandra

Sandra Booker is a fractional COO and growth strategist specializing in helping overworked, overwhelmed, multi-hatted entrepreneurs become the CEOs of sustainable, scalable, and profitable businesses. Sandra’s received accolades in her community like the 40 Under 40 award, and her clients include familiar names like Chanti Zak, Tarzan Kay, and Laura Belgray.

In her (efficiently used) spare time, she teaches others how to build and grow their own 6-figure virtual assistant practices and is on a mission to create a million jobs by helping her clients and students scale their businesses.

Zafira Rajan

Copywriter & Brand Strategist

"The last three months of our work together have been a HUGE journey of growth. It absolutely solidified me going from a freelancer who hustles my butt off to being a CEO of an agency who leads people." – Salome Schillack

About Zafira

Zafira Rajan is a copywriter and brand strategist who helps entrepreneurs unblock their voice, harness their creative energy, and write sensory stories that connect with their audience.

Stacy Coyle

Customer Journey & Buyer Experience Strategist

"Stacy is my favorite UX person, such a gem. She finds so many threads you're missing and pulls them all together somehow. I've never felt as confident as I do now in my customer journey." – Nicole P

About Stacy

Stacy Coyle is the Irish-accented Customer Journey & Buyer Experience Strategist behind Workplace Lemonade and the Fruit Salad Podcast. Using her Sorbet-Parfait Method™, she helps digital business owners experiencing growth realign their customer journey and craft high-end experiences that wow their audience. And yes, that includes enchanting buyer experiences too!!

Tarzan Kay

Customer Journey & Buyer Experience Strategist

"She is so committed to holding a mirror up to her own practices, past and present, even the ugly bits she has since renounced. That takes courage. She is generous to a fault, and encouraging of all her students." – Jayati Vora

About Tarzan

Tarzan Kay specializes in writing emails that are fun to read and more addictive than whatever you just marathon-watched on Hulu. Her programs and DIY courses teach business owners how to write highly-addictive, story-driven emails that sell without using coercive sales tactics. She spent the last three years quietly dismantling her 7-figure boss-babe empire and building a more inclusive online business that prioritizes people over profits. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her two children and one canoe.

Chioma Njoku

Fractional CFO

"Chioma explains the what, why, and how you save, invest, and more. She explains how your money comes to you, and shows you how you use and release it. She even helps you understand your relationship with money" – Lefford Fate

About Chioma

Chioma is the owner of the Mindful Bookkeeper, where she serves as a Fractional CFO. She is also the host of the Cheers to Your Prosperity podcast. Using her 19 years of diverse accounting experience plus lessons learned from her own financial struggles, she helps small business owners keep more of their hard-earned money in the bank without sacrificing the things that make life enjoyable, such family time, dinners with friends, and coffees. When she is not playing with numbers, she is cooking up trouble in her kitchen, learning practicing handstands, and seeking new adventures within and beyond the Chicagoland area.

Eman Ismail

Email Strategist & Copywriter

"I booked a 30 minute session with Eman and it was the single best decision I have made for my [business]." – Zamzam Hersi

About Eman

Eman Ismail is the person to call when you want to make money from your emails.As an email conversion strategist and copywriter at, she helps 6+ figure online business owners and ecommerce brands fire up their conversions, evergreen their sales and turn fans into Superfans. Collectively, her strategy and copy has helped generate millions of dollars for her clients.Eman is also the host of multi award-winning podcast Mistakes That Made Me – a podcast that asks extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake, so you know what NOT to do on your road to success.

Michelle Warner

Business Designer and Strategist

"Michelle has an incredible gift for taking complex business challenges and boiling them down to easy-to-grasp concepts that help me plot my next moves." – Allison Davis

About Michelle

Michelle Warner designs tiny companies that are built to last. With an MBA from one of the world’s top business schools and 15+ years experience growing small businesses, Michelle focuses on layering real world experience on top of classic business fundamentals to design businesses that are sustainable and scalable in the long term and resilient and adaptable in the short term. She’s also the creator of Networking That Pays, the introvert-friendly, always awkward-free connection system that brings in reliable leads, consistent referrals and meaningful connections for your business - all in 5 minutes a day.

Mary Chhea

Social Media and Messaging Strategist

“My favorite part of working with Mary is not only her ability to problem solve + troubleshoot. She listens + looks at the situation from all angles." – Jessica

About Mary

Mary Chhea (she/her) is a #FangirlForHire who helps in-person and online service providers connect with customers, collaborators and co-conspirators on social media without draining their energy. She believes that social media marketing should be fun, profitable + energy-efficient for even the most introverted, awkward or just plain too-busy service providers.As a messaging + social media strategist, Mary specializes in customizing a social media strategy that centers her client’s gifts + preferences to work in harmony with their audience, voice, offers + goals.A Colorado kid living with her husband and cat, Mary is a sucker for pho noodle soup, English panel comedy, and any excuse to visit a Harry Potter themed anything.

Jeffrey Shiau

Marketing Strategist & Community Manager

"Whether I’m working with clients or curating knowledge, my work is rooted in how we can do marketing/business better."

About Jeffrey

Jeffrey Shiau is the community manager of The 627 Advisory Board. They're also a marketing strategist, helping small business owners uncover strategies that are aligned with their values and attuned to their capacity, energy and wellbeing. He is passionate about reimagining and re-humanizing how we do marketing and business in ways that help move us towards our collective liberation.